B2B Industrial Meeting

B2B Industrial Meeting

B2B Industrial Meeting

In 2014, Itecam started an Industrial Meeting B2B of the Metallurgical Sector in Castilla La Mancha that is being celebrated annually since that time.

The aim is to promote and facilitate the contact and the networking among companies and entities that are part of the industrial and business ecosystem of Castilla-La Mancha, facilitating the collaboration and the generation of synergies.

In the meeting are planned different activities in order to find out the best conditions for the participants to establish collaborative projects and create synergies when creating service contracts.




The main part is a meeting space for B2B among all companies and associated groups which are interested in participating.

  INNOVATION SPACE: Companies have the opportunity to keep some meetings with investigation groups from Castilla La Mancha University.

  TECHNOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATIONS: Different technological demonstrations are celebrated about the digital improvements in this industry.

STANDS AND NETWORKING SPACE: Apart of the meetings, those who attend to this space would have the opportunity to interact in a networking space available, with an exposition of supplier companies of services.

