For Itecam - Metal Cluster of Castilla La Mancha one of the most important values is the human resources they have. That is why since its beginning they invest on transferring knowledge and the training as one of their essential services, generating innovative performances and promoting the generation of talent as the principal motor of change of the company.
Most part of the training activity that is developed from Itecam is the high added value when trying to impose an innovative and dual character, that is encouraging always the interpersonal relationships between students and companies. In order to achieve this purpose, some working practices and specific trainings for different contents needed in the different job positions.
The training services that Itecam accomplish are mainly inside these performance fields:
Customized and specialized trainings in company: different courses specialized on the main necessities for the companies. That is created through FUNDAE (Fundación Estatal para la Formación de Empleo)
Training for employment: Joined with public employment projects and in collaboration with all different entities whose main purpose is to include young people to the market.